3 Signs That It Is Time to Seek Relationship Counselling

Every relationship has its ups and downs, and sometimes you and your partner can work through the issues as long as you are both willing to put in the effort. Keep in mind that there are no shortcuts when planning a lifelong journey with your partner. However, there are times when certain issues threaten the survival of your relationship. In such cases, you should consider relationship counselling to mend things. 

Even so, most people are sceptical about couples therapy in fear of being condemned, but that's not the case. Couples therapy will help mend any issues you might have with your partner and build a stronger bond between the two of you. For this reason, you should consider marriage counselling when you experience any of the following issues.

You Are No Longer Intimate

Intimacy is very crucial for a healthy marriage. However, your sex life can be affected due to various reasons, such as being too busy with work or a lack of trust. That makes one partner feel like a spectator as the other partner pursues their own desires. 

Nevertheless, intimacy is not all about sex. There is a lot more involved, like opening up about your dreams or fears in life. Once you lose intimacy in your relationship, you should be careful since it can lead to a separation.  Consider visiting a counsellor to help you work through the problems in your union before it gets to that point. 

You Fail to Communicate with Each Other

One of the most common issues in a marriage is the lack of communication. Once you and your spouse stop sharing your feelings, you'll most likely never find a solution to your fights. That could cause constant fights, resulting in resentment and unspoken problems. When that happens, most couples never find a way to restart their conversation naturally and mostly use negative tones when talking to each other. 

The best way to handle such a situation is to find a controlled space where both of you can safely communicate. A marriage counsellor will create an ideal space for communication and guide you through the process until you work things out.

You Don't Coexist in the House

Once you and your partner start leading separate lives, it is hard to fix the issues you face. Even if you are still staying under one roof, separation might occur when you stop communicating and being intimate with each other. So, if your relationship feels less of a couple and more like roommates, then you should seek counselling.

Visiting a relationship counsellor can help rebuild your relationship with your spouse. Therefore, look for a marriage counsellor you are comfortable with once you notice any of the issues explained above.  

About Me

Resolving my childhood issues

I had a pretty bad childhood. I tried to ignore it for many years; I did pretty well at pretending like it never happened for a few years. Unfortunately, after a bad run this year where my brother committed suicide, it all started crashing back. I've started counselling and it's really helping me realise that a lot of what I thought was normal for children was, in fact, actually wrong. Sometimes it's really hard work but I'm proud of the progress I'm making and I can even see a possibility that one day I might have a family of my own.
