How You Can Tell that a Loved One Needs the Services of a Psychiatrist

Everyone has a little child inside them, regardless of how old they grow. This inner child is always seeking love, acceptance, care and validation. When the inner child does not receive these things as they grow up, they experience certain problems. Most of the time, people hide the traumas and mental issues in the dark place that the psychiatrists call the subconscious. When people sweep these traumas under the rug and continue living as if nothing went wrong, the subconscious starts to respond because it has been ignored.

The response is what others view as irrational behaviour, and if you notice unusual behaviour in your loved one, they may need to see a psychiatrist for help. Here are three ways you can tell when someone needs the services of a psychiatrist.

When They Start Developing Addictions

Most of the time, people develop addictions as an escape. When they drink themselves into oblivion, they are trying to numb down some pain that they are not equipped to handle. Going to a drug rehabilitation centre might seem like a sensible way out, but the most important thing should be to address the root cause of the problem.

Having some sessions with a competent therapist will help you unmask the hidden wounds that make you crave the alcohol, hard drugs, illicit affairs or any other cyclic and addictive behaviour that you engage in. When you become aware of what is broken inside, fixing it becomes a possibility, and the addiction goes away.

When They Engage in Illegal and Antisocial Behaviour

Jungian psychology teaches that when a certain part of your personality, your pain or your experiences is repressed, your brain starts overcompensating for it. For example, if a girl had an absentee father when growing up, she could develop an unusual liking for older men. They could also develop self-destructive behaviour because they have issues with their self-worth. 

If the parents divorced, most people don't understand what went wrong between their father and mother or the hurt they experienced. If they don't get psychiatric counselling in good time, this might affect their behaviour in adulthood. Good therapy sessions from competent psychiatrists can help you heal these wounds and leave behind the antisocial behaviour. 

When They Withdraw from Their Normal Hobbies

One of the ways you know that someone is experiencing some form of burnout is when they stop participating in things that once gave them joy. If they are in this manic state for more than a month, you can recommend that they see a competent psychiatrist.

These are a few ways that you can tell a loved one needs a professional psychiatrist to help them. A competent psychiatrist helps you to detangle the jumbled up thoughts and emotions for a better life.

About Me

Resolving my childhood issues

I had a pretty bad childhood. I tried to ignore it for many years; I did pretty well at pretending like it never happened for a few years. Unfortunately, after a bad run this year where my brother committed suicide, it all started crashing back. I've started counselling and it's really helping me realise that a lot of what I thought was normal for children was, in fact, actually wrong. Sometimes it's really hard work but I'm proud of the progress I'm making and I can even see a possibility that one day I might have a family of my own.
